
Graver Technologies为电力、石油/天然气平台和移动电源应用提供OEM定制设计的过滤器,其中包括圆柱形和面板设计以及定制打褶服务。


消费品和工业产品不断发展,以满足各种应用的纯度和清洁度要求。最近,仪器仪表、发电、医疗保健、工业吸尘器、除尘和家庭空气净化领域都取得了长足的飞跃。进步带来了变化,对产品的需求也随之而来,以应对空气质量的新挑战。为了为某些要求苛刻的工艺提供最佳的技术解决方案,“一刀切” 的方法可能不够,因此必须开发定制的解决方案。这需要丰富的工程和设计制造经验,才能创造出满足甚至超过功能和监管要求的产品,同时提供经济的解决方案。


原始设备制造商不仅依赖我们的产品,还依赖于我们对客户支持和准时交货的承诺。我们的产品包括空气过滤设计,以及去除废气烟雾、气味、颗粒物和微生物污染的医疗设备。我们使用热粘合和胶珠技术提供径向翅片、面板和其他特殊设计。使用我们种类繁多的合成介质,包括我们的专利PLEKX、HEPA/ULPA和纳米纤维,我们可以修改我们的产品技术或根据我们多样化的产品组合创建新的产品设计。我们的专业知识是设计、开发和制造特定 OEM 产品,这些产品可提供具有成本效益的解决方案,同时满足满足应用或监管环境的确切需求的高质量和性能标准。

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Consler® LKV/HKV 系列真空过滤器
Consler® PME/KME 系列排气分离器
Consler® PME/KME 系列排气分离器
Elements and Prefilter
GTX Series Piston Seal Filters

Frequently Asked Questions

What do compressed natural gas filters protect against?

Natural gas is filtered at multiple stages in the process of manufacturing and transport to remove particles, hydrocarbons, water vapor and acid gas. These contaminants contribute to excessive wear, loss of efficiency and decrease the risk of downtime of equipment.

What's in a HEPA filter?

HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filters are made by using microfiber media typically polypropylene or fiberglass fibers which are capable of removing particles between 0.3 and 10 microns (µm)

What's the lifetime of a compressed air & gas filter, a biogas filter, and a natural gas filter?

The life of any filter is very dependent upon the process and product being filtered. Solids levels can vary significantly in different processes or even within the same process over time, thus life should be determined by identifying parameters such as minimum flow or maximum differential pressure.

Does a HEPA filter remove odor?

HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters are designed to remove particulate matter and do not remove odors, chemicals, gasses or VOCs

How do you filter biogas?

Biogas produced by the anaerobic digestion of organic waste and converted into biomethane that can be used to replace fossil fuels. Much like natural gas, it requires filtration to remove particles and water vapor.

Can you filter natural gas?

Natural gas is filtered at multiple stages in the process of manufacturing and transport to remove particles, hydrocarbons, water vapor and acid gas.

Do air filtration systems work?

The filtration of air and compressed gasses will remove particles including microbial contamination that can result in excess wear and damage to equipment or harmful health effects. The filter must be chosen to meet the required performance specification and regularly maintained in order to meet those performance expectations.

How to become a distributor?

Contact the Regional Sales Manager responsible for your specific geography, which can be found on the website in the "Where To Buy" link, or email your request to [email protected].

How do you clean OEM filters?

Most filters are synthetic materials and thus are not designed to be cleaned and reused. Filters are generally intended to be used until plugged, which can be defined by loss of flow or a terminal pressure drop increase.

Can HEPA Filters be washed and reused?

Generally, HEPA filters are not intended to be washed and reused.

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TECpore™ – A High-Performance PES Membrane Made in the
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Wine Lees:酒庄废弃物转化为可持续宝藏
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