
Graver Technologies提供追踪微电子设备中污染物的技术,例如晶体管、电容器、电阻器、LED、起搏器或平面屏幕。


晶体管、电容器、电阻器、LED 或平板屏幕等微电子设备触及日常生活的方方面面。从手机和计算机到起搏器和助听器,再到汽车和喷气式战斗机,该组件的可靠性能,尤其是在关键应用中,极为重要。微量污染物会降低产量或导致设备故障,从而导致更高的制造成本或不良的产品质量,从而使产品在商业上出现故障。制造环境中的污染物来源来自人员、空气、工艺化学品、水或设备。必须对每种产品进行管理以降低风险,以优化产品质量和产量。


亚微米颗粒的高效过滤对于通过减少所有微电子应用中整个生产过程中的缺陷来最大限度地提高产量至关重要。Graver Technologies提供广泛的过滤技术来保护这些关键工艺,例如用于生产半导体、平板显示器或数据存储设备的光刻、CMP或湿式蚀刻。通过去除上游来源(例如超高纯度水或电子级化学品)中的颗粒,我们能够减少生产停机时间,帮助优化运营和维护成本,延长化学品寿命并降低缺陷风险,从而最大限度地提高产品产量和质量,从而实现高效、经济的设备制造。我们使用多种材料制造,包括聚四氟乙烯、PFA、聚醚砜和聚丙烯,以提供出色的耐化学性和耐温性。

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a pre reverse osmosis filters and why is it necessary?

In order to maximize the life of reverse osmosis membranes, it is highly recommended to use a filter in front of the membrane with the goals of reducing the risk of fouling the membrane. Membrane fouling is the main cause of permeate flux decline and loss of product quality in reverse osmosis systems. Silt Density Index or SDI (ASTM standard test method D 4189-82), is the empirical test developed for measuring the potential rate of fouling of RO membranes

What is the difference between MOCVD and CVD? What does MOCVD stand for?

Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is a vacuum deposition method generally used for depositing crystalline micro/nano thin films and structures on wafers using materials such as silicon, carbon, fluorocarbons, tungsten and titanium nitride. Metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), a variant of CVD, is most commonly used for the production of red, blue, green and white LEDs

What is an integrated circuit?

This broad category includes devices such as transistors, capacitors, resistors, diodes, LED and photocells. The different types of devices can be integrated together to form integrated circuits, or VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) devices such as microprocessors and random access memory (RAM).

What is Chemical Mechanical Planarization?

CMP is a process used for smoothing the surfaces of semiconductor wafers using a combination of chemical and mechanical forces. The process uses chemical etching and abrasive polishing to achieve a flat surface.

What are polishers for silicon wafers?

Polishing of wafers is typically accomplished using a process called Chemical Mechanical Planarization, which uses a combination of chemical etching and abrasive polishing to achieve a flat surface.

What is a complex integrated circuit?

This is essentially the same as a microprocessor, an integrated circuit that behaves as the brain of the computer. Also referred to as the central processing unit, or CPU.

How is a microprocessor different from an integrated circuit?

A microprocessor is an integrated circuit, but not all integrated circuits are microprocessors. This acts as the brains, being able to process logical and arithmetic instructions that are programmed into it.

Why are metals not used on transistors and integrated circuits?

Copper and other metals are used as conductors in printed circuit boards. But for microelectronic devices it is difficult to properly control the electric signal and thus semiconductor material such as silicon is used which also insulates better.

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TECpore™ – A High-Performance PES Membrane Made in the
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Wine Lees:酒庄废弃物转化为可持续宝藏
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