Graver Technologies为制造过程和消费提供水处理,以去除氟化物和全氟辛烷磺酸,达到纯度标准,并去除有机和无机污染物。
作为生命中最重要的化合物,我们拥有安全的饮用水源以及全球几乎所有农业和制造过程都至关重要。Graver Technologies提供了一系列过滤、分离和净化技术,以解决水和废水中的微量污染物,包括砷和铅等微量重金属,以及全氟辛烷磺酸、微生物以及源自工业、农业或市政废水源的溶解和悬浮固体。-这些污染物可能对人类健康、水生系统和环境构成危害。随着消费者越来越意识到其水源中存在的污染物,我们的过滤和先进的专有吸附剂在确保饮用水和工业用水满足日益增长的监管要求方面非常有效。
Always check labeling for certification of contaminant removal from filter products.
Reverse Osmosis (RO) is a common process to produce potable water as a supplemental treatment for a residence or as a large-scale municipal process. While there is some debate on the question, there is no scientific evidence that RO water creates any adverse health effects. RO does remove some minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium which are beneficial to health.
Cooling tower systems operate most efficiently when their heat transfer surfaces are clean, but by design, require a large air-_water interface to obtain this cooling and thus the system is subject to four major water treatment concerns: corro_sion, scaling, fouling and microbiolog_ical activity. These waterborne deposits (suspended solids) reduce heat transfer efficiency, which substantially increases the energy cost for operation of chillers.
Many MetSorb(R) adsorbents will remove heavy metals from water and wastewater. Please view our product pages for more information.
Boiling water can actually concentrate contaminants as the water vapor is "boiled off".
The USEPA issued and regularly reviews/updates the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR)
Aeration helps remove dissolved gasses and� oxidizes dissolved metals, including iron and hydrogen sulfide, as well as break-down organic molecules and volatile organic chemicals (VOCs)
Many MetSorb(R) adsorbents will remove lead and other heavy metals from water. Please view our product pages for more information.
Graver offers several types of lead removing adsorptive media. These media are used in many styles of NSF certified point of use (POU) filters including; flow through carafe cartridges and carbon blocks as well as in small tanks and pressure vessels for point of entry (POE) or point of service (POS) treatment for lead removal.
The USEPA has issued and regularly reviews/updates the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR)
Bacterial retention is achieved in a water system using a membrane filter, typically 0.2 micron, which has been validated for bacterial removal. While membranes do retain bacterial, not all membranes are validated to remove bacterial contamination
Reverse Osmosis (RO) membranes work by concentrating contaminants (reject water) and excluding them from the permeate or system water.
The USEPA website contains a lot of useful information to help homeowners and the general public understand water quality
PFAS can be removed with adsorbents and ion exchange resins like MetSorb(R) PFX.
Yes, MetSorb(R) adsorbents have a high capacity for removal of arsenic, lead, zinc and other heavy metals that may be present in construction dewatering projects. Please contact us at [email protected] or at 1-800-533-6623 for further assistance.
Always check labeling for certification of contaminant removal from filter products.
Water filters containing lead removal media typically cost <10 cents for every gallon of water treated.
Reverse Osmosis (RO) Systems can be effective in removing many bacteria and viruses from water systems due to the pore size of the membrane. However, where RO membranes are part of a high purity water system, microfiltration membranes which have been tested for microbial retention are used to further mitigate the risk of bacterial contamination in the system.
One way uranium can be removed is through adsorption. MetSorb(R) HMRG has a selective affinity for uranium.
Many MetSorb(R) adsorbents will remove heavy metals from water. Consult a water treatment specialist for more information.
Water filters containing ion exchange resins and/or activated carbon can remove PFAS chemicals.
Water purification is the process of removing contaminants in water that may create health risks or aesthetic issues, such as taste or odor. These tend to be chemical compounds, both organic and inorganic that may be dissolved or suspended, as well as biological contaminants such as cysts, bacteria and viruses.
Depending on the source of the water, the processes may be very similar in that they may include, bulk filtration, flocculation/coagulation, sedimentation, aeration and subsequent disinfection. Potable water plants typically are from cleaner sources such as wells, rivers or reservoirs and thus less processing is required.
As a reliable and well-proven water treatment solution for municipal, industrial, food and beverage, and healthcare processes, Reverse Osmosis (RO) is a technology that effectively removes a large majority of contaminants from the incoming water. By using a high-pressure pump to increase the pressure on the dirty side of the RO membrane, water is forced across the semi-permeable RO membrane, leaving almost all of the particles and dissolved salts behind in the reject stream.
No PFAS can not be removed with heating or boiling.
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