Natural Gas Fuel

  • Natural gas is an efficient and readily available fuel used for a number of applications. Gas Turbines rely on clean gas for powering platforms, pumps stations, and other large users of electricity. Consumers rely on clean natural gas for heating. Graver Technologies Industrial Filter Division designs and manufactures filtration systems for natural gas applications including distribution, production, and fuel gas system. Our world-class manufacturing facility is ISO 9001:2000 registered. Our vessel fabrication facility carries an ASME Code stamp. We can also design and build to many fabrication specifications including PED 2014/68/EU.
  • Our CP series removes solid particles to .5µm. These are used for the protection of downstream equipment including turbine meters, regulators, and other process instrumentation. The CP offers low-pressure drop, inline connections, and easy servicing of the unit.
  • The AGS series is designed to remove both dispersed liquids and solids from natural gas systems. The applications include fuel filters for gas turbines, distribution, and flare gas.

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Filters for Natural Gas Transmission & Distribution

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