Parent Company

The Marmon Group

Marmon Holdings, Inc., part of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., is a global industrial organization comprising more than 100 autonomous manufacturing and service businesses. Each Marmon business operates independently within a group structure that provides access to the expertise of other businesses with related products and services or which serve the same customers or markets. Marmon businesses operate more than 400 manufacturing, distribution, and service facilities, and employ more than 20,000 people worldwide. Revenues exceeded $7.6 billion in 2020.

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Our Sister Companies

KX Technologies

KX Technologies LLC (KXT) manufactures custom-designed water and air filtration solutions for OEMs.

KX Technologies LLC
55 Railroad Avenue
West Haven, CT 06516
Phone:  203 799-9000

Marmon Industrial Water

Marmon Industrial Water has supplied water treatment systems for decades under the Graver Water and Ecodyne brand names. Marmon Industrial water designs and manufactures complete custom designed treatment systems for potable water, boiler feedwater, brine or other specialized process & solids recovery and wastewater for use, recycle or discharge. Our systems are found in all major industries, power generating plants, petrochemical / chemical , mining, pulp & paper as well as and in many municipal water treatment plants. Our systems are operating in diverse conditions in more than thirty countries around the world.

Graver Water Systems
30 Technology Drive,  Suite 2F
Warren NJ  07059
Telephone: 908-516-1400
Fax: 908-516-1401

1-877-GRAVERW (472-8379)

Ecowater Systems

Ecowater Systems LLC is the world's largest manufacturer of residential water treatment systems.

EcoWater Systems LLC
PO Box 64420
St. Paul, MN 55164-0420
Phone: 651-739-5330 or 1-800-808-9899
Fax: 651-731-7420

EcoWater Canada, Ltd
5240 Bradco Boulevard
Mississauga, Ontario L4W 1G7
Phone: 905-629-0190
Fax: 905-629-0192

EcoWater Systems Europe
N.V.Geelseweg 56
2250 Olen
Phone: 32-14-257080
Fax: 32-14-224874
[email protected]


Enersul is a recognized world leader in sulphur forming, handling, storing, and transportation loading for over sixty years. With a complete array of operational, technical, and supportive offerings, Enersul has the unique ability to provide complete sulphur solutions, customizable to fit any production requirement.

Filtrex Technologies

Designs and manufactures drinking water filtration products for residential markets. The company serves customers in India and other markets globally including the United States. Products include molded carbon blocks, filter sub-assemblies, and cartridges with carbon block or activated carbon.

Filtrex Technologies

36/4, Raghavendra Nagar, HRBR Layout,
Bangalore 560043, INDIA
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +91 (0)80 4920 6500