Graver Technologies为医疗、环境、商业和工业应用提供经济高效的空气和气体过滤解决方案。从去除废气烟雾和异味到保护包括真空泵、涡轮机和压缩机在内的旋转设备,再到天然气中的聚结和颗粒捕获,我们为行业提供定制过滤解决方案已有 50 多年了。
Graver Technologies提供具有成本效益且技术上优越的吸附剂技术,用于去除饮用水、糖、活性药物成分(API)和其他工艺或产品中的重金属或其他有机和无机污染物。专门配制的吸附剂介质套件为去除低浓度的杂质提供了高容量和优异的动力学。
Graver Technologies的错流过滤技术用于要求苛刻的应用,在这些应用中,极端的工艺条件或困难的进料流使其他分离方法不合适。事实证明,错流系统对固体含量高或粘度极高的流体特别有效,或者必须在较高的温度和/或压力或 pH 极端条件下进行处理的场合。
Graver Technologies设计、设计和制造了种类繁多的液体过滤器、滤芯和外壳,为食品和饮料、化学、工业、微电子和医疗保健市场的各种应用提供高性能和具有成本效益的解决方案。液体处理过滤器有多种介质类型、滤芯设计、微米额定值和配置可供选择,以优化过滤过程。
Graver Technologies提供了修改离子交换介质(机械和化学)的专有技术和能力,可以去除微量封闭物,用于对发电中的冷凝水和其他高纯度水流进行脱盐和净化。我们的离子交换树脂产品,包括Ecodex、Gravex、Powdex和Radex,继续在离子交换树脂纯度和性能方面引领行业步伐。
Graver Technologies是单独使用或与离子交换结合使用的特种预涂和可反洗隔膜的设计、制造和应用领域的领导者。作为全球最大的冷凝水系统过滤器和组件供应商,Graver Technologies为冷凝水系统生产预涂层和非预涂隔膜已有50多年。
Graver Technologies提供有竞争力的薪酬、全面的福利以及在充满活力的公司工作的机会。
Graver Technologies是伯克希尔·哈撒韦旗下的Marmon Holdings, Inc.的一部分,该公司是一家年销售额超过80亿美元的国际公司。无论身在何处或世界各地,Graver Technologies是一家快速成长的公司,其技术资源和财务实力使我们成为您业务的完美合作伙伴。
Graver Technologies在提供基于创新技术的产品和卓越的客户服务方面拥有悠久的历史。该公司于 1866 年在俄亥俄州利马成立,在早期,产品重点是用作蒸汽机车脱盐剂的热处理软化剂。
Graver Technologies是一家快速成长的公司,其技术资源和财务实力使我们成为您业务的完美合作伙伴。
Marmon Holdings, Inc. 隶属于伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司,是一家由100多家自主制造和服务企业组成的全球工业组织。
想了解有关 Graver 产品的更多信息?在资源中心,您可以访问我们的产品数据表、产品规格和安全数据表库,以获取所需的所有答案。
Explore Graver Technologies' high-efficiency catalyst recovery with easy-to-use pleat packs, maximizing precious metal recovery and control.
Graver Technologies offers a caustic recovery system, utilizing SCEPTER filtration technology, to efficiently and cost-effectively recover caustic from waste streams in industries like food, pharmaceuticals, and textiles.
The CelluTEC is dual layered with cellulosic median that contains DE (Diatomaceous Earth) and polypropylene media to provide enhanced filtration
Every industry has an abundance of terms that may be used to describe products and processes. Because of the critical nature of the pharmaceutical and biotechnology markets and the fact that it is highly regulated, it is critical to define and understand some of the more common terms.
Explore Graver Technologies' Cartridge Regeneration Procedures for Wine & Beer Applications.
Use this document to get information about Graver Technologies standard terms and conditions.
Highly Effective, Low-Cost Granular Adsorbent for Reduction of Arsenic III & V, Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, a Wide Variety of Heavy Metals and Other Contaminants
This certificate states that the above company and its product categories and products listed on the attached pages are certified Halal by Islamic Services of America (ISA) and will carry the ISA Halal Quality Mark on its labels and packaging.
This pharma brochure explores critical filtration for the healthcare industry.
This pleated, disposable filter element is constructed of absolute rated, hydrophilic, asymmetric polyethersulfone membrane with extended filter area.
ZTEC™ P Sterilizing Grade membrane cartridges are validated for complete bacterial retention to yield product sterility in biopharmaceutical final filtration applications.
ZTEC™ WB cartridge filters use PES membrane to remove spoilage organisms and inorganic particulate to protect beverages.